Loan Management

One platform for every step in the loan lifecycle

Add a loan in less than 10 minutes

Adding or updating a loan shouldn’t take all afternoon. Hypercore’s flexible and intuitive platform reduces time spent on manual data entry and loan management. Customize and save configurations for your most common loan products.

Fixed or floating interest

Rolled-up or PIK interest

Multi tranche facility

Fee modeling

Bullet or fixed installment

Custom amortization

Loan origination and management on one platform

Build draft profiles to preview different terms, run the numbers for prospective loans, and save the most promising combinations as new debt products. Securely manage customer data as you collect application materials, complete due diligence, and run KYC and KYB checks. Ready to move forward? Just change the status from pending to approved.

See every repayment schedule

Hypercore automatically calculates amortization, repayment, and interest schedules for any loan on the platform. Need to amend the loan terms? Just click "save" to instantly update each milestone.

Keep it all in-house

By managing your loan data and processes in one centralized location, Hypercore improves accuracy and eliminates the need for third-party support.

Amend a loan

Extend a loan

Restructure a loan

Calculate compound interest

Generate custom statements

Capitalize outstanding balances

Redeem early

Build custom data tables

No two commercial lenders are alike. Hypercore data tables allow you to input, measure, or visualize any information important to your business, using data from individual loans and your entire portfolio.

Never miss a fee

With manual processes, some fees always fall through the cracks. Hypercore tracks and calculates fee structures for every loan, so you won’t miss (or miscalculate) a single charge.

Send automated loan statements

Hypercore displays dashboards for every client, including historical activity, pending and active loans, and custom notes. Schedule borrower statements — like invoices or redemption statements — in just a few clicks.

Take control of your loan management process

Book a 30-minute demo to see Hypercore in action.

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Take control of your loan management process

Book a 30-minute demo to see Hypercore in action.

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